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Winter extraordinary draw 2024

Dear users

Christmas 2023 has come to an end, but we still have a very special draw this Saturday.

This draw, which is now called the Sorteo Extraordinario de Invierno, was formerly known as the Sorteo de Reyes.

So, this Saturday 13th January you have the first special draw of the year with €105,000,000 in prizes!

In this draw there are fifteen big prizes: a first prize of 1.500.000  per draw, a second prize of 300.000 per draw, a third prize of 150.000 per draw or 12 prizes of €75.000 per draw.

Let's start the year off with a bang and go for the prizes! You can buy your lottery tickets on our website or over the counter, as well as play Euromillions, La Primitiva, Bonoloto, El Gordo, among others, with no fees or commissions.

13 en extraordinary

Loteria Cervantes
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Admón de Loterías n 2
Держатель: Lotería Cervantes SL
C/ Cervantes 32
03400 Villena Alicante
NIF: B-54667993
Телефон: (+34) 96 580 11 72
Телефонная поддержка:
С понедельника по пятницу с 9:00 до 13:30
и с 5:00 до 8:00
Суббота, с 9:00 до 13:00
Все права защищены.

Логотипы игр и лотереи, используемые в домене, являются собственностью Организма лотерей и ставок государства (LAE). только использует их в определяющем способе, который облегчает выбор игрока.
02d 10h 59m 11s
01d 10h 59m 11s
00d 10h 00m 11s
00d 10h 00m 11s
06d 03h 54m 12s
02d 09h 59m 12s
04d 10h 29m 12s
01d 10h 59m 11s
+18 Autoprohibición Jugar Bien Juego Seguro